I can see the end in sight! That means - I may actually finish it before getting distracted by some other piece of new knitting genius or fanciful yarn that I just have to have. This is a good thing since I've got about 5 projects started in my knitting basket that i have yet to finish. Does this stop me from starting a new project? Are you kidding!
Speaking of fanciful yarn... I found a cute little yarn store in my wonderful hometown! Since I'm fairly new to the yarn obsession - I never looked for yarn shops in the area I grew up. Well not only are there some shops - there's one that also has a wool mill and makes their own yarn!
They have yarns with adorable names like:
Bear Creek
Little Lehigh
Little Lehigh Pebbles
Mauch Chunky
Naturally Nazareth
Summit Hill
Tatamy Tweed
All named after local places in PA near where I grew up!! How awesome is that! I may just have to stop by when I'm home visiting the folks for Easter. I know I will need some Tatamy Tweed and maybe a few Naturally Nazareths so amuse myself! Gotta love Mauch Chunky - it's just fun to say!

Anyway - to update you on the progress of my new front yard - I will tell you that I awoke to the sound of a stone saw this morning. About 7am to be exact. Ah - the sweet sound of grinding in the morning. I couldn't believe how lovely it sounded until I realized I was able to sleep through it! Not only didn't I sleep through it - I slept until 9am! Yes - that is usually when I am walking in the door at work - not stretching in bed wondering how I was able to sleep through the grinding sounds coming from outside. Anyway - I was able to to get ready in record speed (if only I could do that everyday - I could sleep in longer!) :)
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