Tis the season of Fall leaves changing color and then falling... falling all over our lawns... covering them with brown crunchy crispy leaves.... making us rake until our hands fall off... and then falling some more!
Oh sorry - I got distracted. This is what my back yard looks like today. Yes - it's beautiful right now.
When all the leaves are still on the trees - it's absolutely fantastic!

Soon - they will come. Soon - the leaves will all be gone and my lawn will look like this...

So as you can see - I'll be raking for years...
Sorry - I don't meant to be a downer - I'm just not looking forward to that! I wish the leaves would stay like they are now all year long!
November also means Turkey and Thanksgiving! This year we are going to Arizona for a mini vacation over Thanksgiving. My parents are going too and we'll be staying in Sedona and taking little side trips to places like the Grand Canyon and the Painted Desert. I can't wait!
Am I the only person alive who doesn't like turkey? I love Thanksgiving and all the side dishes and the deserts - but I'm not a huge turkey fan. I'll eat turkey lunch meat and even sandwiches made from the Thanksgiving turkey - but I don't care for the turkey off the bird. I never have been a turkey fan and I can't explain it. My family thinks I'm an alien! Oh well - if you share this trait - please let me know - or feel free to join my family in telling me I'm a mutant!
November is also National Novel Writing Month!

NaNoWriMo for those in the know! I participated in NaNoWriMo last year and actually wrote a book in a month! You don't believe it's possible when you start - but then you get going and start writing and it just kind of happens.
Basically - the premise of NaNoWriMo is that everyone has a book in them somewhere - or 2 or 3 - and all they need to get it out is a little encouragement - and a deadline. November is your deadline! You have 30 days to write 50,000 words. I know that sounds like a lot - but it's only 1,667 words a day! I tell ya - if I can do - you can do it.
Let's start a knitters NaNoWriMo support group! If you decide this is something you want to do - post on here and I'll start a mini support group for all of us! I'll be doing it - so why not join me!
Anyway - if I get enough interest - maybe I'll even create a new site for the month.
The best thing about November is that we get to wear sweaters! I love my sweaters. I have always lived in an area where the winters were cold and harsh and long! (I grew up near the Poconos in PA)
SO I have lots and lots of sweaters. This is also a perfect month to start knitting a sweater. I must admit I have never knit a sweater. So - I think this is the perfect month to start! I am taking a Top-Down Sweater class on Friday at Stitches (yeah Stitches!!) and this will hopefully inspire me to start one of my own. In class we are making a teddi bear sized sweater. I'll be sure to post all about it after I am done.
Tell me about your November and also if you are interested in joining me in writing a novel this month!
I'm very very interested but I don't think I can keep up with the 1,667 words a day thingee since I have my finals till the 10th =(
Any alternative?
But I LOVE writing and it's been a long time since I did. I've kinda lost touch, and that's sad because writing was once my passion!
I think that whole novel writing thing would be more fun in February! When life is cold and gray and there's nothing better to do but knit and blog. (But IS there anything better to do EVER?)
No Turkey here. Veggies need not the turkey to be thankful. :)
I'm doing Nano! Having failed the last two years I'm all set to succeed this year (hmm, which is why I'm knitting blog surfing half way through today's target word count). There's a knitters thread in one of the forums, but the nano site's a bit busy and slow right now.
Does it count if you finish writing the book that you started back in college 18 yrs ago? If so, I'm in! Fat chance it'll be finished by the end of November...
Can we read the one you wrote last year?
OK I will do it. I think I told you how I feel about it, but what the hell.
WHN not as enthusiastic as I thought he would be to do a 5 hour drive to say HI. Men.
I've tried Nano in the past, won't be joining it this year. However I am considering NaKniSweMo. Gorgeous fall photos of your yard, tis a shame that that view also causes some extra yardwork though.
Hi Javajem
I took MLeapman's class at Stitches West last Spring. I thought her class of knitting on the edge very inspirational. Do you own any of her books?
Take care and BTW SP9 is nice so far! Thanks for being a great hostess!
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