It was a beautiful day - not too hot and not too humid with plenty of blue sky and sunshine. We walked around and saw all the animals, arts and crafts and garden stuff and we ate lots of good old fashioned fair food (candy apples, cotton candy and gyros!)
The highlight of the day for me - was tasting all these different kinds of honey! There was clover honey, blueberry honey, thistle honey, and tons more flavors. There were even jars of cystalized honey! This stuff was so amazing! It's thick like peanut butter and tastes amazing! We of course bought some and went back to Larissa's place and tried some on toast. Yum! I can't wait to try some on corn on the cob like they suggested.

I wanted to go to the fair to see my entries in the knitting competition. I entered my Charlotte's web shawl and won a special prize from Ewenique Yarns.

And my friend Jolene surprised me and entered my Merletto mitts! They were a gift to her last Christmas - so she was sneaky! They won 3rd place.

Jolene won some ribbons too! And my friend Coleen cleaned up with three blue ribbons and a red! She then went on to win the grand prize of best of the best for her baby sweater set. Definitely go give her some props!
After the fair and the awesome honey - we hung out at Larissa's place for a bit. I was happy to finally get to meet Elrick - Larissa's dog. Isn't he just precious!

That boy can howl! We had quite a trio going on! He's such a cutie!
I hope you all had a great Labor Weekend!
What a great time!! I love fair food!!!!! Congrats on all the ribbons - you guys deserve it!! Everything is beautiful!
it looks like fun! i've never been before - where in MD is it? that dog is adorable!
Congrats for the wins on your shawl and mitts! Ever been to Ewenique Yarns before? I am headed there on Saturday I think. Geoff is going to a beer fest in Bel Air and I said I'd be his driver and check out the yarn store while he drinks beer.
Congrats on your prizey goodness! You do such amazing work and deserve it! I'm sooooo wanting to go raid a honey stand right now. Was this the HoCo fair? I'll have to investigate.
YAY for JODY!!! They know great knitting when they see it! That is one hunk of awesome mosaic you have there too!
Congrats on your win!!!
OMG Love the kimono! I've been wanting to make that too!
Congrats for the wins on your mitts and shawl. That honey looks delish and on corn on the cob, hmm sounds interesting let us know ;)
Congrats on your wins! I'm glad you had an awesome time at the fair!
He is adorable!! Congratulations on the fair wins!
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