We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming....for an important announcement.
Sorry for my long absence from blogging. I've been busy...
How do I say this?
How you say your husband has cancer.... that I'm afraid he may die.... that he is definitely going be very very sick for a very long time.
I don’t know how to do this. I don’t how to react – tears and sobbing and prayer were my first response. Anger, regret and fear came soon after. Now, (10 days later) I'm stronger and even more determined to fight the F**ing cancer with every ounce of my being.
He’s not Javaman or Hubbo to me – he’s my Sweets, my John. He’s a romantic, car crazy, hot sauce loving, joke telling, electronic tinkering, amazing guy. He can fix almost anything.... except himself.
We found out 10 days ago that he has colon cancer, and I’m petrified. I’m scared of losing my best friend.
I don't usually get too personal on this blog, but I felt like I had to share this information. I will still keep this blog mainly as a place to post my knitting, sewing and spinning, but I may occasionally have some long absences from posts as John goes through his treatment.
We do have a tentative schedule:
5 weeks of Chemo and radiation followed by 4-6 weeks of rest.
Surgery to remove the tumor in his colon - followed by another 4-6 weeks of rest.
The chemo and radiation may then begin again - hopefully shrinking and killing all the cancer in his body.
I want thank all of my awesome friends who have already helped more than they can ever know by just being there, listening to me cry and holding my hand. I am going to need you guys more than ever - so thank you for being so great!!
If you are interested in reading more about my husband John, he has started a
blog of his own to record his experiences fighting cancer.
Another name that John, Sweets, Javajman goes by is 'Sco'. So.... he called his blog
'Sco got a bug'. That's just his way. Making jokes... the first minute after we heard the news - he was cracking jokes. Granted - he was also stoned from the colonoscopy, but still... You'll see plenty of his humor if you read some of his posts.
Thanks again to my wonderful friends - I won't be able to get through it without you!