Sorry for my long absence from blogging. I've been busy...
How do I say this?
How you say your husband has cancer.... that I'm afraid he may die.... that he is definitely going be very very sick for a very long time.
I don’t know how to do this. I don’t how to react – tears and sobbing and prayer were my first response. Anger, regret and fear came soon after. Now, (10 days later) I'm stronger and even more determined to fight the F**ing cancer with every ounce of my being.
He’s not Javaman or Hubbo to me – he’s my Sweets, my John. He’s a romantic, car crazy, hot sauce loving, joke telling, electronic tinkering, amazing guy. He can fix almost anything.... except himself.
We found out 10 days ago that he has colon cancer, and I’m petrified. I’m scared of losing my best friend.
I don't usually get too personal on this blog, but I felt like I had to share this information. I will still keep this blog mainly as a place to post my knitting, sewing and spinning, but I may occasionally have some long absences from posts as John goes through his treatment.
We do have a tentative schedule:
5 weeks of Chemo and radiation followed by 4-6 weeks of rest.
Surgery to remove the tumor in his colon - followed by another 4-6 weeks of rest.
The chemo and radiation may then begin again - hopefully shrinking and killing all the cancer in his body.
I want thank all of my awesome friends who have already helped more than they can ever know by just being there, listening to me cry and holding my hand. I am going to need you guys more than ever - so thank you for being so great!!
If you are interested in reading more about my husband John, he has started a blog of his own to record his experiences fighting cancer.
Another name that John, Sweets, Javajman goes by is 'Sco'. So.... he called his blog 'Sco got a bug'. That's just his way. Making jokes... the first minute after we heard the news - he was cracking jokes. Granted - he was also stoned from the colonoscopy, but still... You'll see plenty of his humor if you read some of his posts.
Thanks again to my wonderful friends - I won't be able to get through it without you!

Hugs to you and John!
Much love to you both-- I know you are frightened, but you will be amazed at the strength within him, and within yourself as well.
you and john will be in my thoughts. and if i pray, you will be in my prayers. hang in there! we're all behind you, even if we've never met you!
I have only recently started reading your blog after falling in love with your jaywalker scarf on Ravelry, and I'm sorry it took this type of post to bring me out of lurkdom.
I don't think there are any words that can make this easier, or take away the entire whirlwind roller coaster you and John are on right now. I hope that the support and warmth you have from family and friends, combined with the knowledge that people out here in blogland really do care will help you face the ups and downs of the days ahead.
I wish you both comfort, patience, strength and courage as you battle this thing together.
Both you and John will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Hang in there! I have a friend going through thyroid cancer right now and friends with breast cancer, so I know some days will be rough.Cancer is like entering a whole new country without a roadmap, but just navigate slowly..I'm putting you and John on the top of the prayer list. It definitely will help John to have you there.
I'm here for you girl! F CANCER is right!
Hugs, I know how hard it is to tell people.
you fight... and when you think you can't... you call me. They don't call my kind the "fighting Irish" for nothing!
I am so in this with you for whatever you both need.
Strong fighting thoughts and prayers to both of you - you are fighting it as much as he is! I can't imagine going through what you strong!
Stay Strong guys, somedays it's going to be an hour at a time but when you come through the other side and look back you'll realize each step makes your already great marriage that much stronger. We will keep praying for you. N
oh wow jody - that's rough. I'll be thinking of both of you and keeping you in my prayers. *hugs*
Jody -- My thoughts and prayers are with you and John.
all my love
Hugs and love to you and John. I'll be thinking of you guys constantly!
G and I send prayers and good thoughts.
oh, honey. i'm so sorry. my prayers are with you both.
I'm so sorry to hear about this misfortune. You'll both be in my thoughts.
I hope everything goes well. Things will get better. Just keep thinking positive.
Sending loads of healing energy and positive thoughts your way. It is a tough road ahead but you are walking it together and that makes all the difference.
Jody I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. If you need anything, please just let me know.
I'm sorry to read this terrible news. Sending you both lots of healing thoughts.
My thoughts and prayers are with you guys during this time.
Hugs to both of you - you will find the strength to get through this - it is amazing where it comes from but it will.
Hugs and tons of love to both of you!
Oh No!!!
Damn right you fight!! I know I barely know you, but I'll be here if you need anything. I went threw this with my Mom and breast cancer. I understand the tough days and the good ones, too.
You will both be in my thoughts and prayers. Many warm well-wishes and bright blessings sent your way.
Oh dear!
You and your DH are certainly in our thoughts and prayers.
Obviously i don't know how religiously inclined your other readers are, but if you leave a note alerting us to days that will be most taxing with treatments or surgery...candles can be lit at those times and specific thoughts and prayers for healing sent out for John and you as well.
It's better that you share the news, there's strength in numbers.
My prayers are with the both of you.
I agree with scattered gemini...we could all pray and send good thoughts during the hardest of times...together.
God says where there are more than two of us praying, He is present in our midst.
If He can be present in our prayers, then as we all pray together for you both, He will surely answer and send a wonderful miracle.
Jody - I've been so out of touch, and just now "heard" the news. I'm thinking about both of you.
Hi Jody - I'm so sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. I'm sure that you both have the strength to get through this together and with the support of all of your amazing friends.
What lies behind us and what lies in front of us pales in comparison to what lies within us - Emerson
Much love and many prayers to you both. I can' even begin to understand what you are going through, but I will keep you in my prayers. *HUGS*
Oh Jody, I'm just catching up on my bloglines and I read the news. Please know that I'll be keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers. I know you'll get through this!!
I'm sending you my thoughts and good vibes. This is one of my nightmares ... my husband being sick ... and I applaud you for standing up and facing this head on. :)
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