I planted some mystery flowers a few weeks ago. There was a buy one get one free sale at a local nursery and well... flowers are like yarn - you can never have too much! So I bought some....
Here they are -

They look kind of like black-eyed susans - but instead of being the pure yellow that I'm used to... they are more brownish in color.

Very unique!
My clematis flowers have long since stopped blooming - but I was looking at the col seed pods that have developred. They look like little green star bursts...

My purple conflowers are also changing. They have these gorgeous orangey heads - full of seeds.

My love of all things flowers (in addition to yarn!) seems to be well known by my knitting group because last night - Bonnie brought me this:
Isn't it gorgeous!
We had a great time at sit and knit - I worked on my Noni bag and we had show and tell. Christine is working on the cutest superhero cape for her nephews. Work those knit into front and back loops girl!! You can do it!!
Your garden seems to be doing so well despite the heat and humidity. Lots of pretty things. I wonder if you like to make bouquets and take them indoors? I would, but my cat will eat the flowers! Maybe someday he'll grow out of it.
Thank you for your comments on my blog. I do hope to get lots of knitting done this week since I'm off from the day job, and I hope my favorite cyclist is found to be innocent. Can't wait to see your Noni!
Is that a hisbiscus? I try to grow them all the time because my iguana eats them... well she would if I wasnt the kiss of death to all flora. I fauna I can do... flora... let's just say I am glad plants can't come back to haunt otherwise I would have 30 orchids, 28 tomato plants, and hundreds of others rattling their ghostly leaves at me.
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