This was actually my second set of fireworks this summer - I saw a homemade version a few nights ago at my friend Margaret's house. It was a fun time with some knitting around the bonfire. We did the traditional smelling of the yarn. (I thought I was the only one that smelled my yarn!) Apparently my friend Hollyanne and her son also enjoy a good wiff of wool!

A good time was had by all and I got to make S'mores! Yum - I think I was only adult at the bonfire with a stick in my hand and marshmellow on my face - but I didn't care. I haven't had S'mores in years! They are just as good as you remember - I suggest running out and making some rightnow!
I also had the honor of initiating a new knitter into the world. My husband's cousin Kelly is now officially a knitter! I taught her the knit and purl stitch and showed her my yarn stash. I also showed her my yarn winder and umbrella - which she totally loved! She said she could just sit and wind yarn all day. I'm so proud!
I started her on her first scarf - but is she is already itching to move on to felted bags and Mason Dixon wash clothes - Yeah! Another muggle crossed over our side :)
Happy Knitting!
When it gets cold, we roast marshmallows inside almost every night!!!
I'll invite you again if you promise not to go home with my sock next time.
Excellent fireworks picture -- I miss those DC fireworks. We used to sit on a hill near Arlington National Cemetary and watch them, then go home and make homemade banana ice cream and eat ourselves stupid.
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