I am using one of my Blue Heron yarns - in a bight reddish/orange colorway appropriately called "Copper" It does kind of look like a nice shiny penny. I really love how it feel to knit with this yarn. It is draping wonderfully too. So light and airy.

I am about 48 rows into the project now and I am getting a bit worried. Before I began this - I thought you would be making those lovely dropped stitches the whole time.... but according to the directions - you don't start dropping stitches until you are half way done! Half way!! What happens if i mess it up! I'll already be halfway done and too far to rip the whole thing out without major separation anxiety. I dropped a few stitches by accident last night and nearly wet my pants! I love the way this yarn looks - but it very very slippery!
I'm not sure I can take the pressure of having to knit half of a fairly large project and then have it completley fall apart because I dropped one too many stitches!
I don't know - I guess I should just think positively and "just keep knitting, just keep knitting". I did this afterall to have something to do on the airplane on my way to New Orleans. This Clapotis definitely fits the bill. It's an easy enough pattern that I have already memorized it and yet it is interesting enough with it's YO's and KTBL and PTB to keep it interesting. And all those stitch markers add to the excitement too. I had planned on using some of the cool stitch markers I made last Saturday (more on that later) but they kept getting tangled up in my yarn - so I switched to the plain old plastic rings. Not quite as interesting - but a lot less chance of pulling loose pieces of my lovely yarn.
Anyway - here are the stitch markers I made on Saturday.

I had a lovely time with my favorite twins (Alex and Bree) and their mom Hollyanne. The girls made jewelry (and stitch markers) while the guys played PS2. I did manage to break away from the knitting to kick some butt on Bomberman too. Although both Alex and Bree did a mighty fine job of learning the ways of said Bomberman - so I didn't kick as much butt as I would have like :)

It was a wonderful evening. I was so happy and surprised to find a thank you gift left on my doorstep this evening too! It was from the twins - thanking us for a great evening of jewelry and gaming and they got me the cutest beads. Some were shaped like little turtles! And they were green - my favorite color! I need to take a picture... I'll post it tomorrow.
Speaking of gifts - I also got some cool goodies from my SP! She sent me a wonderful box 'o yarn. Just check out this haul...

She even knit me a cool felted bag...

And last - but not least - here's a pic of my finished Noni bag - pre felting of course. I just need to finish a few flowers. I started one and I can see I will definitely need more yarn.

Your SP really did spoil you!! I love the yarn, really pretty colors. And the bag is fantastic!!
Good luck with Clapotis, I am about 1/4 of the way through mine and I got distracted with socks and other projects...
We had a great time! Glad you liked your presents! Have a great trip to New Orleans and know that you will be missed at sit n knit!!!!
Don't sweat the Clapotis too much. I knit mine while I was super doped up after my surgery last year. Be warned though, I thinkl they have a little tendency to come out way bigger than the knitty photos let on. Mine squishes up nicely into that care-free think scarf looking bit, but when that bad boy is opened up...huge city. I love mine though.
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