Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round...
---lyrics by Dead or Alive
Well I finally succombed to the peer pressure... I learned to spin!
Amie taught me and Sarah how to use a drop spindle on Sunday and yes... it's true.... I loved it!
I am not going to show you my first attempts at spinning - the "yarn" I produced was a pretty crappy thick and thin mess.... although - I will keep it forever as my first hand spun!
You can check out Amie's blog for pics of me wearing the "dunce sheep" for dropping my spindle a few too many times!!
After an hour (or three) - I eventually got the hang of it and moved on to my own hand painted roving that I made at Mama E's class. I love how it's coming out! I think I may actually make something out of it!

I look forward to more spinning and maybe a big purchase in the future.....
Great Job
Yeah spinning!!!
I want a wheel too!!
Your spinning is beautiful! Great job! :):)
Looks AWESOME!! I'm so excited for you! We should get together and spin one of these days!
You're my hero! I tried to learn to use the gorgeous drop spindle I bought last year. It didn't work and the poor thing is now sitting in my pen holder collecting dust.
And BTW, I LOVE the new socks! :-)
Wahoo! Another convert! Congratulations! You're doing GREAT!
Wow! Good for you! I can't wait to see your adventures in spinning.
Have you plyed it yet?
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