I spent severals days last week with my friend Nicol at her house in Las Vegas. We did plenty of Vegasy things including seeing Spamalot with Johon O'Hurley as Kind Arthur!

we saw Rossanne Barr in lingerie ( I could have lived without that one...)

we did some gambling

ate at buffets and other awesome places!! (I love me a double double with cheese!)

and did lots of peoplewatching. Somethings can only happen in Vegas - check out this car...

But - here is what I saw most of the weekend...
Petunia! She loved her ball....
She would stare it for hours if you let her...

She could catch it like a champ!

and then more staring until you threw it again...

and eventually... tired puppy

Oh yeah - Fred was there too....

Here's what they fed me...

just kidding - it was actually a present from WHN - he got me an oyster with a pearl inside!

One of the highlights of my trip was getting a chance to spin on a wheel instead of my spindle! I had some trouble at first - but I did eventually get the hang of it!
My first attempt at spinning on Nic's Majacraft. A little uneven...

My second attempt...a little better... I also dyed it.

My final product - I love this one!!
It's handspun made from a purchase at Sheep and Wool

We also dyed lots and lots of yarn! (nope you can't have any - it's all mine!!)

Here's one of my favorites:

We dyed roving too

It was a fun weekend - thanks Nicol!!!
Sounds like you had a great time. The yarn looks awesome!
That's cool that you and nicol spent some time together. I love all of the yarn you dyed and petunia!
What a fun vacation! Looks like you had a great time. :)
Awesome job on the roving! It's gorgeous! It certainly looks like you had a good time.
wow! you did a lot!!!! vegas is pretty neat - lots to see and do! love the dying - so pretty!
Glad you are home! You were so busy, I can't wait to see your goods in person.
I'm so jealous! Looks like you had an absolutely fabulous time!
Just LOOK at your spinning!!! I am SO IMPRESSED!!! That is an awesome job!! I love the colors too!! Way to go!!
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