Thanks for all the kind words about John. It was a long road. Watching him go through cancer for the last three years was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but it has made me stronger.
Meanwhile, life goes on...
I have been doing some running! I did two 5Ks last month! Can you believe it!?!

I ran the first one in 38 minutes and the second in 42. I was trying to take it easy on the second one since I kind of hurt my knee on the first one. I ran the second one with Jolene and she is doing so great! She joined a running club and everything!
My friends have been just awesome in general - I don't know what I would have done without them. My friend Sarah stayed at my place for two weeks and kept me laughing. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world for having such great friends. Sarah, Jolene, Erin and Coleen - you are my sisters for life!
I think about you often, sweetie. I'm glad to know you are doing ok.
Wow, you guys are impressive! I can't imagine doing that - good for you!
I love you!!
I'm glad you are doing well and having fun! Think about you very frequently! (hugs)
I've been thinking about you! Wow! 5Ks! That's just amazing!
Nice to see you back! Love the new blog look :)
Wow - good job for you and Jolene!!
I'm so sorry we didn't get together at S&W.. things were very nutty on my end. Hope to make it to spinning night sometime, though! :)
Nice to see you back! You look fab and the blog re-do looks great too. Love the hydrangea.
hugs, Beth
Glad to see you posting. Good for you on those 5K's. I couldn't do it! (can't run due to foot issues)
Glad to hear you have good friends around you that are supportive. Glad to see you're doing okay as well.
Good for you for running!
I have been thinking about you. Sarah was telling me about when she went to visit you.
You keep going with that running girl! That's impressive.
I have been checking your blog and am so glad to see you back!!!! Congrats on the running, wow that is great!!!
You go! I continue to be mystified at the amount of energy Jolene has.
I think it's really amazing and wonderful that knitting is what initially brought all you ladies together.
Glad you are back. Have been wondering how you have been.
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