I am going to try to catch up on all the amazing things I've been up to.
I drove up with Sarah on Thursday night. After getting stuck in some wicked traffic we finally got there around midnight. Friday we drove up to the Cape to go to the beach! I LOOOOOOOOVE Silver beach in Falmouth. It is just so awesome in every way. The water is warm and the beach has lots of shells and things to explore. Sarah and her mom and I sat on the beach, knit and swam all day - it was heaven.

Part of me wished I could be a kid again and collect crabs, minnows and other sea life from the rocks!

After the beach - we went back to Sarah's parents house and sat outside in the backyard:

Isn't it just heavely?
Sarah got us lobsters!

and The Murph and I played ball

Saturday - I got to see Stacey and her sister Naomi and finally met her doggies!

I got to see her HUGE batch of agility trial ribbons

and her newly finshed Phyllo pullover! Go to Stacey's blog to see the pics we took at Sarah's!
After picking up Stacey and Naomi we headed for the Knitting Mecca - WEBS!!! We ate a yummy (if slow) lunch at The Northampton Brewery

Drank some Freaky dog

and then headed for the shop.
Oh My God. There are no words to describe the massive size and selection of this place!
There is a huge shop in front:

and I got to see one of my favorite yoke sweater designs in person:

and then in the back - there is a warehouse stuffed FULL of discounted yarn!

row after row of yarn and cones! What could be better! I got a bunch of cool stuff - pictures later!
Here we are after our shopping - with bags full of goodies...

Did you know there is also a bead store there?

Oh and the highlight of my trip so far?!
Sarah made me a quilt!!

On the way to The Cape, she told me we were going to pick up something for her mom. So we drive like half an hour in the wrong direction and when we get there - I tell her I'll just wait in the car. Why should I go in I think? She goes to the front door and calls out for me to come in, she says the lady needs a minute to get the stuff ready. So I go in and Sarah says - surprise - this is my secret project! I made you a quilt!
I was so surprised!! I love the quilt and she had it machined quilted for me! That is why we had to go pick it up at this woman's house. I love Sarah!!
There is so much more to tell you - but this post is already way too long. So next time there will be more photos of the quilt, pics of our day of dyeing yarn and more beachy photos and who knows what else.
Hope everyone is having a great week!
Yay! Reading the post was like re-living the weekend all over again!!! I had such a great time! We need to do a crafty weekend again...
Fun! Sarah, Stacey, dogs, yarn... sounds like a great time! :D
Looks like you have had a blast so far, and that quilt is simply stunning!
You lucky ducks! Looks like you had a blast. I'm green with envy that you got to go to Webs.
Yay!!! It is beautiful! I miss you but am REALLY happy you are having a great time there.
Fun Fun Fun... I hope I can make it to Webs one day. Thanks:D
Ooooh, vacation!! Just the thought is making me jealous!!! Glad you're having so much fun:-)
Congratulations on a great weekend, new quilt and a visit to yarn mecca WEBS. (Great documentary photos! Made me want to get there again, soon!)
Sounds like a wonderful weekend! You were right in my neck of the woods when you were at Webs! Looks like you scored big! Thanks for putting up a shot of the circles yoke sweater - blush :D
It's true that the Brewery can have the slowest service, I've had that problem many a time there...
looks like a wonderful time!!!
it looks like you had a great time! fun times :) i can't wait to see the yarn you bought! that quilt is AWESOME! what an amazing gift.
yeah, seems like someone had an awesome time on the Cape, eh!! Gosh, I wish I would have been there with you guys!
BTW, love your eye for capturing such awesome images...especially those of you knitting during the Orioles' game!
So, when are we all getting together again?!?;D
I can't think of a nicer hostess than Sarah. Wow - Webs sounds and looks amazing
This looks like an *amazing* vacation! dogs! yarn! and sweet friends! so much fun ;)
Happy 300th post!! Sounds like you're having a blast!
I hope you liked your quilt! I knew she was making it for you.
Looks like heaps of fun, and I'm drooling over my keyboard at the yarn store!! The quilt pic didn't show for me :(
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