These cute leggings are so easy to make you won't believe it. I've seen a few different ways to make these on the internet but here is how I did it.
- 1 pair of women's knee high socks
- scissors
- sewing thread

Cut above the toe, and above and below the heel:

You can discard the toe and heel and keep the other parts to make your leggings.

Take the foot piece and fold the tube in half with the outside fabric on the outside.

Put the top piece of the sock inside the foot piece that you folded in half. All the raw edges should be together at the end. Pin them in place.

Now you're ready to sew! Take the sock to the sewing machine and put the needle on the inside of the sock. This is easier than sewing on the outside because you have less of a chance of catching the other side of the sock when you stitch around. Be careful not to pull on the fabric while sewing, otherwise it will get stretched out.

After sewing all the way around, trim the threads and flip the cuff down. You have a baby legging! Repeat for legging number two.

Now you are ready to put them on a baby!

Then go make some more!

These are so cool! Wish I'd know to do this when mine was young. She's too tall to use them now.
This is a super great idea! :)
Awww she's so cute, too. She is growing like a little weed. Always smiling and so happy. :)
Blessings always
they're really great!
I linked to your tutorial on my blog - thanks for sharing!
doro K.
I love seeing kids wearing stylish legwear and find it amazing! but I think it will not suits my kids to wear this kind. But absolutely I love to see your wearing and post it here. This type well perfectly fit to cute kids like your!:)
I'm so glad I found this - I'm going to make this for my niece for her 1st birthday!
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