There's nothing like a handspun sweater!

Pattern: Sweetgum Duncan by Meghan McFarlane
Yarn: My own Handspun from the following dyers:
-Pigeonroof Studios
-Dragonfly fibers
-Wool Gatherings
-Fat Cat
-Yarn Wench
-Hello Yarn
-Rhinebeck Mystery fiber
Needles: Size 9 US
Mods: I didn't knit the bottom ribbing the same way - instead I did about 4 inches

I especially love the neck of this sweater...

It was so much fun knitting with my own handspun and blending the colors. I'm thrilled with how it came out and can't wait to spin more!!!
Wow- that sweater is gorgeous! I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE it! :o)))
That is so stunning! It came out so beautifully - good job!
What a fantastic sweater!! And I find it completely amazing that you spun all that yarn, too. Very inspiring!
Wow. It looks fantastic! What a great use of single skeins of handspun. Well done!
That looks awesome! The colors came together and really compliment each other.
That is STUNNING!!!!!!
So wonderful! BEAUTIFUL
gorgeous!!!So proud of you!!!
Wow, it's gorgeous! You definitely deserve a gold.
Most of my handspun is solid color, and now you've tempted me to buy more multi-colored fiber.
Awesome! I have yet to make a big project with any of my homespun. Your project looks great...and the colors are awesome!!!
As I said yesterday I love it! It really is a special sweater.
It's so beautiful! I hope you are super proud!
Wow, great work!!
Beautiful! I love all the different colors in the yarn!
Beautiful sweater! Congratulations!
It is absolutely beautiful!!! And you look beautiful in it. What a great Olympic achievement.
Sorry I missed you the other night. Hope to catch you soon.
It's fantastic! I love it!
The colours blended beautifully and the yoke is gorgeous!
This is a beautiful sweater. The yarn is so pretty. You did such a wonderful job! :)
Beautiful sweater! And your yarn is beautiful; it really makes the sweater!
Absolutely awesome. You've got so much color going on it's fabulous! Congrats on getting a sweater done.
Super job - turned out great! Love it.
Terrific! - some how creating the whole thing from start to finish is just so much better than any other kind of knitting
It's gorgeous :)
Your sweater is gorgeous.I saw the skeins and wasn't sure how they would all go together, but they are wonderful together. I am a very newbie spinner and can't wait til I get to the point of having enough yarn to make a great project like that.
Fabulous yarn which has knit up into a stunning sweater!
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