Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Homespun Yarn party

Did you hear that there is going to be a Yarn Party on March 14? It looks like it will be a fun time! Lots of indie artists and great stuff to drool over. Check out their blog for more info!

I'll be there - so let me know if you're going - I'd love to meet up!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sketch'n Part V and VI

I'm a month behind in showing you my sketches for the Sketchbook swap. I just finished up a book this week and am mailing it off to the next person today.

Here are the latest sketches:

February Sketches

And here are the ones I did last month:

January Sketches

Hope everyone is having a great week!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More spinning

I've been spinning more and more lately! I just finished almost 600 yards of a lovely orange tweedy yarn - pics coming soon. But right before that one - I spun up a braid of Funky Carolina. It was my first time spinning her stuff and I loved it!

I got many comments on Flickr and Ravelry about how different the roving and the finished yarn look.

Here's the roving:
Funky carolina roving

And here's the yarn.

Funky Carolina Handspun

You can definitely see the colors are the same - but they are much more evened out and blended in the finished yarn. I'm really happy with how it came out! I have about 120 yards of two-ply in worsted weight.

Funky Carolina Handspun

I was going to make this part of the handspun shawl I am planning, but the colors don't seem to fit with the rest I have already spun. So - what to make with this one? Any ideas?

In knitting news - I had been in a bit of a slump - started a sweater - ripped it back out, knit one mitten - haven't started the second... but last night - I finally finished a sock I had been working on for ages.

It's knit out of this:


It's yarn that I dyed with Sarah two years ago. I really love the color and so does everyone who sees it! I have already gotten requests from my mom, my husband and a couple friends for a pair in the same yarn. It's one of a kind I said! (Well - actually 1 of 2 - since Sarah and I each have a skein... Guard it well Sarah!!)

Now I just have to start the second one and I may eventually have something to show you!!

Until then - have a great week!