Pattern: Shadow Hat #119 by Maureen Mason-Jamieson
Yarn: Knit Picks Wool of the Andes
Needles: Size 7 Addi Turbos
Alterations: No pompoms (per hubby's request - Thank God!) Pompoms are cute on kids - not adults!
This hat's construction is very unique. It was knit in a long strip - then closed into a tube - then you add the brim and bind off the top. So I was hoping it would fit him at the end of all that because you can't really try it on as you go!
It's also my first time doing shadow knitting. Not sure if you see it in these pictures, but there are triangles on the sides...

I think it looks like a jester hat!

Hee! He looks like a really fun guy wearing that hat. Love it!
Very cool.
Very cool hat, and yes I can see the shadowing!
Lovely hat!
I like the shadowing, but I must respectfully disagree with you re: pom-poms on adults. Viva la Pom!
Another wonderful job. I am so bummed that I didn't go to Rhinebeck. I didn't know you were coming. That's how busy and clueless my life has become. I am glad you had a great time. Perhaps there's a little MDS&W in the future?
Cool hat!
And how do you make your banners? I'm clueless...
Great Hat, it looks good on him!!
Looks perfect on him!!!
I love the hat, but the drawings a few posts down are amazing! It was great to see you at Stitches. Must get up to Cloverhill one of the days.
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