Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 - The Year in Review

2007 has been quite a year!

I went to many craft/fibery events like Maryland Sheep and Wool, Stitches East, a festival at the Textile Museum, a spinning event at the Mannings, I saw the YarnHarlot herself speak, and I went to Crafty Bastards in DC.

I got a spinning wheel, Sarah taught me to sew, made three quilts, knit my first sweater, knit my first lace shawl and learned to dye yarn from the master herself. I traveled to many places like Cancun, Key West, Jamaica, Cozumel, Cayman Islands, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Cape Cod, camping and Wisconsin (for a family reunion). John and I learned how to live with cancer, we made some new friends, lost some loved ones and saw the births of many new babies. Most recently - my dear friend Jolene's new son Joe!

Happy birthday Joe!

Birthday Boy Joe

What a great way to end the year. :)

I also had a birthday (yesterday) and now I'm 32! Time flies!

As a sort of tribute to this year - I put together a mosaic of most of my knitting that was completed in 2007.

2007 knitting

And most of my sewing projects that were completed in 2007. I even got one mentioned in Craft Magazine (woohoo!)

2007 Sewing

It's been a great ride - I can't wait to see what 2008 brings!

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Happy New Year, Jody!

  2. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Happy New Year to you too! You have been so productive this year!!

  3. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Wow! You did a lot of knitting and sewing! I'm impressed! Love all the socks especially! Happy New Year!

  4. Anonymous10:20 AM

    great post Jodster!
    Love you sister!

  5. Aww! Lil baby Joe is so cute! Love the hat too. Is that your handiwork?

    Happy New Year!

  6. Wow! What a very colorful and productive year!

    Here's to a great 2008! Happy New Year!

  7. that is quite a year. happy belated birthday, you have a package coming soon!

  8. Down with a migraine as well - Happy Belated B-day. Hope you celebrated in style!

  9. Crap you did a lot!

    I uh... I think I finished a hat once...

    Happy New Year, Jody!

  10. Congratulations on a great year!

  11. Again, when did you sleep?

    ::Imagining the pictures next year after you learn to weave and open your shop::

  12. holy cow - you were a crafting dervish this year! it's great seeing all your projects like that.

    Happy new year - I'm predicting great things for 2008!

  13. This is such an awesome post, Happy New Year, Happy Belated Birthday and all the best in 2008!

  14. Happy new year Jody! hope to see more pretty FOs this year, both knitting and sewing!

  15. Happy Birthday Jody!! And Happy Birthday to Baby Joe, too ... I hope Jolene is doing well ... and you and hubby are too!!

  16. An awesome year for you for sure! Love your quilted items. You're an inspiration to me. Good vibes to you and yours for the coming year.

  17. What an amazing year you had. Your work is beautiful!

  18. Happy New Year from me too! (A bit late, but the sentiment is the same.)

    Which Craft mag issue? I get the magazine....I'm such a loser that I didn't notice "your mention"! Some friend I am! (Kicks self in butt).
