Wednesday, January 16, 2008

O Christmas Tree!

This year we didn't get a big Christmas tree. We didn't even bring down our ornaments or decorate much of anything actually. With John being weak and unable to lift heavy things, there was no way I was going to be able to bring all the boxes down from our high storage units by myself. So we were going to make do without a Christmas tree this year.

But... it's not Christmas without a tree!!!

So I went to Lowes and bought a little blue spruce tree that you can plant in the yard! It was very cute :)

Here it is all decorated for Christmas. John and I had fun making paper origami cranes to hang on it along with the dollar store box 'o ornaments :)

Our Charlie Brown Christmas tree!

I think it came out looking pretty good for a last minute purchase! I finally got around to planting it this past weekend.

Can you see it?

Find the Christmas Tree


Let me help - here's a closeup:

Jan08 112

It's soooo tiny! I think it may only 2 feet tall.

I hope it actually grows :)

Bailey and Hurley were very excited at the prospect of digging in the dirt. Here they are waiting patiently (yeah right!) for me to hook them up to their leashes.

Bailey and Hurley guard the door

I tied them up to a tree near where I was working and they did surprisingly well!

Here's Hurley at full alert:


Have a great day!

PS - I finished my Koolhaas hat - but I still need to take pictures. I LOVE it!!!


  1. Post an update on the size of the tree when Arbor Day comes in April (or you can wait until May to do it)

  2. what a great idea!!! if you do that every year you'll have a forest eventually!! :)

  3. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Love the Hurley pic, he looks like he was being a REALLY good dog!!

  4. That's a great tree! It will be a great reminder for many years. Cute pups too! Have a great day.

  5. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I love that hat! I haven't made one yet, though. Guess where I went last night...the Guild!

    Sorry about dinner tonight!! :-(


  6. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Great Christmas tree, one's you can plant out are the best kind.

  7. Bobby planted a spruce tree in my back yard just after we met ten years ago. It's now probably over 12 feet. Make sure to buy lights for it!
