Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Long overdue Thanks!!

I have been a bad bad blogger and forgot to thank my lovely friends for some gifts I received for my birthday (back in December!)

I got Birthday presents!

Sarah made me this cute Velma purse from an Amy Butler pattern. I love the fabric she chose too.

Gift from Sarah

Birthday present
Coleen gave me some cool roving from the beach! She also got me a bookmark.

Birthday Present!

Can you see what's on the bookmark? It's a tiny spinning wheel! How cute is that!

Gift from Coleen

Nicol made me the cutest mittens out of Trekking:

Now they are mittens:

Now their Mittens

Now they are fingerless mitts:

Now their Fingerless Mitts

Isn't that awesome? Convertible mitts!

Convertible mitts

Not only did she make me these awesome mitts, she included all these little treasures as well...

Birthday gift from Nicol

Look at this awesome fabric stack. It's from Nancy's Quilt shop that I got to visit in Las vegas - it has everything you could ever want in a fabric shop. Actually it was even featured in Quilt Sampler magazine.

Fabric from Nicol

She also sent me these awesome earrings that I have worn almost every day since I got them.

Earrings from Nicol

Happy Birthday to me - Thanks friends!

In other gifting news, I participated in the Handmade Ornament swap this year. My partner was Marti and she sent the most awesome package!

Package of goodies from the swap
After a disaster where her dog ate the first package she had prepared, she recreated it and sent it a little after Christmas - but I still love it. The ornaments are too cute - and she even put in some Sea Silk! *Sigh* I'm spoiled :)

Handmade Ornaments

I know the knitting content has been sparse lately - but that doens't mean I'm not working on stuff!! Here's some of my WIP's.

Ariann is still eating yarn, but I swear it's almost done!
Ariann in progress

I started the Koolhaas hat with some Malabrigo - I love this pattern so much!
Koolhaas in progress

I'm also working on several pairs of socks. So hopefully some finished objects coming soon!


  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    You have some great people giving you gifts and all. It all looks lovely!

  2. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Cool loot, love the fabric...cant wait to see more of Ariann.

  3. that fabric is great - love the color! looks like you have a lot of projects that are close to FO status!!!

  4. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Love the earrings and the quilt blocks! Happy Birthday!!!

  5. Everybody loves Jody! (and the few that might not have poor taste)

  6. Nice birthday loot you've got there!

    The Christmas ornaments are too cute! and the silk yarn...wow!

  7. Those are some great gifts - I love the clutch purse!! Hope you had a terrific birthday!
