Monday, December 07, 2009

Harpers Ferry WV

We stopped at Harpers Ferry, WV on Sunday after visiting with some friends who live nearby.

Harpers Ferry sits at the intersection of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers and the Appalachian Trail passes right through the center of town. The entire town is built on a steep rock with steps carved right into the side. It's really pretty cool.

We got there right before sunset so the picture taking opportunities were limited - but I still had fun walking around.

Here's a little taste of the town...

This is St Peter's church:

Harpers Ferry church

This house caught my attention - it looks so thin sitting up on this high road.

Harpers Ferry

The front of the building had these amazing doors.

Harpers Ferry doors

You can just see the river in the distance from up on that high street.
Harpers Ferry

Down in the lower part of town - there were lots of beautiful old buildings.
I loved the blue doors and windows on this one.

Harpers Ferry

On many of the buildings - you can see the outline of other buildings that are no longer there.

harpers Ferry Courtyard

If you find yourself in the area - it's definitely worth a peek!


  1. missing maryland...
    thanks for the pics.

  2. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Very neat little place. I love the first photo of the church. You are a great photographer!

  3. What a beautiful area. I thought you were in France or somewhere! I'd like to travel down and take a peek!
