Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rhinebeck Rocked!

Even though I'm not home yet - I had to post pics from Rhinebeck!

I saw lots of friends, bought some cool stuff and had a grand time! Jolene and I flew up to RI to drive to Rhinebeck from Sarah's house. We had tons 'o knitting time in the car and I manged to knit half a sweater and finish clue 3 of the mystery socks! Pics of these items coming soon.

We stayed in Fishkill NY about 45 minutes south of Rhinebeck but it worked out perfectly. We went both saturday and sunday. Saturday was BEAUTIFUL!! I was so worried it was going to rain and or snow but it didnt. Here are some pics of the friends we saw....

Rhinebeck friends

They had these cool pumpkin carvings on display there...

Oct09 163

And Jolene fell in love with these spinning wheels - especially the yellow one...
Oct09 120

Sunday was much less crowded and a but rainy but we had a great time anyway because we got to see the things we missed on Saturday! And we watched the end of the sheep to shawl competition. Here's the winning team (at least they finished first). I loved their rainbow warp!

Oct09 145

Oct09 155

We also were somewhat restrained in buying... I only got three skeins of yarn - 2 socks that rock mill ends, a skein of angora sock yarn and a bag of merino roving.

Here's all three of our loot combined...

Oct09 132

And best of all - I ran into a gal in the artichoke line wearing my Merletto mitts!! I had to take a pic!

Oct09 090

After Rhinebeck we went to New Paltz NY to historic Huguenot Street. Pics of that soon!


  1. So cool you got to see one of your designs in the wild!

  2. I'm so jealous! I wish I lived in the east just so I could go to Rhinebeck just once. I am loving the sheep pumpking too! How cool is that?

  3. Looks like a fabulous time! Loved seeing the pumkins,and very cool that you got to see your pattern out there as well!
