Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy WWSIP day

Today is World Wide Spin in Public day! Several of us from my spinning group decided to go to Baltimore to celebrate the occasion. We met in Mt Vernon and sat outside in the perfect weather for a day of spinning.


At times - we gathered quite a crowd! We were apparently the attraction of the day.


Jen was wonderful at explaining the mechanics of spinning to everyone who came by with questions...


It was a lovely day to be outside! Just look at those blue skies!


I ended up with 200 yards of worsted weight Navajo 3 ply:

Woolarina Three ply

It was hand-dyed by Woolarina and I think I may make a top town raglan sweater with it.

What a great day!


  1. Very cool! It's neat to be part of what folks will go home and tell their friends about ;-) It certainly was a gorgeous day.

  2. Looks like a fun time! Did I tell you that I bought roving a few months ago? I had to have it b/c the colors were amazing. Still no spinning for me, but someday when I do, I'll have the roving!

  3. Oh wow, amazing!! what a wonderful thing to do... I was on holiday in Scotland for Knitting in Public day and I did my part! much to the odd looks cast from people how didn't understand!!

    I love your blog!, and thank you very much for the comment on my socks... I'm very proud of them, although I think next time I'll knit them up a bit tighter.
