Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

John and his mom

We took out my mother in law for lunch today to King's Contrivance restaurant.

King's Contrivance Restaurant

We had a lovely meal - I had an eggplant and pine nut fritter for my appetizer and veal parmigiana for my meal. John and I shared the most decadent chocolate torte for desert.

It was also the perfect opportunity to wear the new skirt Sarah made for me!


It fits perfectly!!

Thanks Sarah!!


  1. You look beautiful!!!

  2. Anonymous5:55 AM

    wow, kings contrivance restaurant is lovely!

    glad the skirt fits - you look lovely! (isn't it comfy? i want to only wear skirts this summer, too bad i don't have more time to sew.)

  3. The skirt is lovely and you look great!

  4. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Cute skirt! I haven't been to King's Contrivance in years. It looks as lovely as always...have to get my husband back there. We always enjoyed it.

  5. The skirt is gorgeous and looks amazing on you. She is so clever!

  6. What a pretty skirt. You look so springy and comfy. Custom clothing - what a treat! Looks like you had a lovely day.

  7. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Wow, now I see the resemblance between your husband and Joanie!! Hi Joanie!!

    Love all your stuff from MDSW. I didn't go for fear of spending too much money. I spent enough at Homespun Yarn Party!!

    See ya round the 'hood!


  8. Doesn't wearing that great skirt make you want to sew? ;)

  9. How cool. My wedding reception was there. We had cocktails on the patio, and dined in the garden room.
    LOVIN the skirt. I've said for 3 years now that I'm making me some for summer, one of these days...
