Monday, April 13, 2009

Simon update!

I just got some new pictures of Simon! John's mom went out to visit last week and took some great shots. He's such a cutie!!

I'm knitting him a sweater right now - I was hoping to get it done for today since John's parents are going out to Boise today, but alas - I'm still not done. Just the button bands to go! I'll be mailing it soon and I'll take pictures before I do. They promised to take pics of Simon modeling the sweater for me too :)


  1. He's gorgeous! Look at that fuzzy head!

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM


  3. SO adorable! He reminds me so much of Henry - he weighed the same at birth (although Henry was 5 inches longer!) Can't wait to see the sweater!

  4. Anonymous11:35 PM

    He's beautiful.
