Sunday, March 29, 2009

Actual Knitting!

Don't faint! I know it's been a while - but I actually have knitting to show you!

I dyed this yarn with Sarah two summers ago and I knit the socks in February, but I'm just getting around to showing you now:

These are just plain jane socks - basic top down and comfy.

Plain Jane Socks

Basic top down sock
Yarn: Hand dyed Louet base yarn
Needles: size US 2

I am still not sure if I will get to keep these - my mom had her eyes on them the last time she was over!

Plain Jane Socks

But she doesn't have cutes shoes to show them off!!


  1. Better hope you aren't the same shoe size else she'll want those too. The socks (and shoes!) are cute! Nice job on the hand dye.

  2. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Adorable shoes! ;) And socks!

  3. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I love the socks. I have the same pair of shoes and now that the snow has finally melted I can wear them to show off my socks.

  4. They look great with these shoes and jeans! Don't let them get away from you! :o)

  5. great socks and super cute shoes!! :)

  6. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Shame on your mom, she steals all your knitting. Do you think she and my mom get together and plot on how to get all our best crafty stuff away from us?

  7. The color of your yarn is wonderful! So are the shoes : )

  8. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Hilarious about the shoes!! I definitely think you should make those a prerequisite of the gift :O)

  9. Lovely socks and now you have to tell us where we can get those shoes!!

  10. Love the socks - What gorgeous colors! (I love the shoes too!)
