Wednesday, March 19, 2008

WIP Wednesday

I'm not normally one who shares my WIPs regularly - but right now that's all I've got!! So here's a sneak peak at some of the things I'm working on...

Remember my night at Erin's studio? Well the kermit green yarn wasn't the only thing that got dyed. Erin dyed me some roving....

I spun it up and it's gorgeous!

handspun merino-tencel

I just love her merino-tencel. It's just so luscious! I'm calling this color "Lucky".

I couldn't resist starting a new sweater with it - so I immediately cast on for my "Lucky" top-down raglan!

Handspun yoke

I'm using Stephanie Japel's "Raglan from the top down" as my basis for the sweater, but I'm sure I've strayed from her basic raglan already. I decided to add yarn overs at the raglan shaping for a little extra interest.

Handspun yoke closeup

I love the mindless nature of top-down raglans, because believe me, I've needed mindless this week!

I'm sure I'll grow bored with it eventually, but right now I can't get enough!

My other WIP at the moment is a test knit for Jolene. It's just a giant blob of lace-in-progress right now, but I know it will be amazing when it's done!

Lace in progress

The yarn is from Yarn Pig - it's a merino tencel sock yarn called Sangria, - so for the moment this is my Sangria shawl!

Hope everyone is having a great week!


  1. What beautiful colors!!

  2. Oh, wow - what a great color! Looks like that's going to be one heck of a cute sweater, too. Can't wait to see how it progresses.

  3. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your top down raglan. How much of your own roving did you start out with?? Cause I wanna make one too.

  4. LO.VER.LY!!!!!!!!! That sweater is going to be a hottie, Jody!! And the Sangria shawl---mmmmmn, such a delicious color. You are so fast-- I have a whole pile of knitting over here when you finish yours!! xo Dawndoll

  5. beautiful! i have been eyeing the green yarn you sent me at Christmas, waiting for it to tell me what it wants to be...stay tuned!

  6. that green is beautiful!! the sweater will be amazing with the yellow!

  7. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Everything is so pretty. Love the colour of the lace, and your handspun knitted up is breath-taking.

  8. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I love that yarn! It's so gorgeous - can't wait to see what you do with it.

  9. I love the sweater. That handspun is so yummy. I'm so happy you like the yarn. I love getting to see projects knit up in it!

  10. Wow, that is gorgeous colors! Love that sweater so far! :)

  11. I can't help but repeat the comments about how gorgeous those colors are! Not only for the handspun/top down raglan but the shawl too! So vibrant!

  12. The yarn is GORGEOUS. Absolutely gorgeous!

  13. Jody

    The homespun is outstanding. You have inspired me to learn to spin. I am going to my first guild meeting on april 20. I can't wait. I also have a class scheduled with Erin on March 30. I'm excited to learn to dye. I love your blog, I read it for a long time then a computer crash caused me to lose everything. I'm so happy I found you again.


  14. That is absolutely gorgeous yarn.
