Tuesday, January 29, 2008

B is for...

There are so many good things for this letter I couldn't do just one. If I had to pick just one though - it would definitley be my Bailey dog!


My best buddy Bailey has been my boy for 8 years now. He just had a birthday too on January 21st - Happy Birthday Bailey buddy! (like my B alliteration?!)

I also have some more B's for you...

All these photos were taken with a new Nikon lense that John rented for me. Did you know you could rent lenses? I sure didn't. It's a great way to try out a new lense and see if you like before you invest an obscene amount of money in actually purchasing one! He got it from rentglass.com. They have both Nikon and Canon lenses. I got a Nikon 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro for those of you who may be interested. It's basically for taking really close up and personal pictures.

Here are some B inspired photos:

A closeup of the Brick on my house:


I love how you can see every grain of sand in the grout.

My favorite summertime flower, Black-eyed susans, still look pretty cool in the winter:

Jan08 385

Even the shadows look great:

B is for Black Eyed Susan Shadows

These shadows have bee on my mind recently. I keep thinking about how great a black and white drawing of them would look. Now I just have to actually sit down and try to draw it!

Another B in my life is Baltimore.

Last weekend my friends Erin and her cowboy, Jen (jeekeehoo) and I went to Baltimore's Visionary Arts Museum. It was a fun day spent looking at sculptures, paintings and mosaics. There was even an exhibition of some of the secrets sent to Post Secret.

Outside there was a crazy tree made up of crystals and mirrors. I like to call it the Bling Bling tree:

Jan08 365

It was a great day spent in a great city.

Visionary Arts Museum

And for those of you here for the knitting... I have a Beginning shot of my Diamond Fantasty Shawl (ok that B was cheating just a bit!):

Diamond Fantasy Shawl

I'm using my own handspun for this baby and I love the way it's coming out so far.
Have a great week!


  1. what fun!!! I never knew you could rent lenses! what a great idea! I'm so checking that out!

    Love the shadow shot - it would make a neat quilt too....

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    you have the "B"market cornered!

  3. John. What a Dude.

    Definitely leave the old Susans. The House Finches and Goldfinches will both eat the seeds.

  4. Great pics, as always. And I LOVE the Visionary Art Museum!

  5. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Bailey's the man!

  6. Bailey is so so cute. Love the other photos. That shawl is looking good (even if it is a bit messy at the moment!) Its a lovely color.

  7. awesome photos! i love taking photos of shadows, there is just something about the interplay of light and dark. great pupster!
