Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Spining Update

My latest obsession?

Spinning everything in sight! I've been busy at my wheel lately spinning up some luscious fiber.

Check out my latest finished yarns:

Mama-E's Merino Tencel blend in a gorgeous pinky brown color (I think it's called Toffee)

Merino Tencel

I spun up about 200 yards of fingering weight from the 4 ounce roving.

Merino Tencel

Crown Mountain Fiber roving in the Wild Thing colorway. Aren't the colors amazing!! Thanks for sending it to me Sarah!

Wild Thing

I got about 180 yards of fingering weight yarn from 4 ounces.

Wild Thing - You make my heart sing

Wild Thing

And finally, another gift - this time from Jolene - some Gypsy Girl roving.

Gypsy Girl roving

I ended up with about 280 yards of bulky worsted weight yarn from 8 ounces.

Gypsy Girl roving

I can't wait to knit something with these! Does anyone have any ideas on what I can make with these? I really want to highlight the yarn. I have something in mind for the Gypsy Girl yarn already - but I could use help finding a cool pattern for the Mama-E yarn and the Crown Mountain Fiber.

I need a pattern that uses less than 200 yards of yarn - so I think socks are out. Maybe fingerless mitts?

I could use some ideas!!


  1. Beautiful handspun!!

  2. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Oh goodness, spinning. Your handspun is gorgeous, and gorgeous colors as well. You could make a variegated scarf with two of the skeins (switch yarn every two rows). And make a nice hat with the third. Gorgeous, gorgeous colors! *sigh* I miss my wheel! :-)

    - MJ

  3. Fingerless mitts are the way to go!!!! They'd be stunning!!! What about a skinny lacey scarf mixing in a more "blah" color of regular yarn - like they crown mountain with some grey or something?

  4. I can give you the other half of the CMF and you can make socks...
    and I think you should make me a hat out of the red and green yarn - the elfish one from the latest interveave!

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Hey, Jody! I wanted to ask you a question about your blog, but I didn't see an e-mail address for you on here... would you be so fabulously kind as to e-mail me at (webseitler at yahoo)? Thanks! :)

  6. Outstanding! My vote is for mitts as well. Whatever project you choose it will be lovely. Don't don't forget to post the end result.

  7. I'm mesmerized - what beautiful yarn!

  8. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Drooling at my computer, your handspun is gorgeous!

  9. Oh wow, i like them all! What a fine job.

    Hmmm, ideas for projects? I'm stumped. Sorry!
