Friday, July 06, 2007

My new baby is here!

She came yesterday in a big huge box....

My new Majacraft Suzie Pro

All packed up nice and snug...

My Majacraft has arrived!

There were lots of pieces to put together

Spindels and parts


But finally - she was whole!
May I present - my new wheel - the Majacraft Suzie Pro!


Isn't she gorgeous? I have been spinning on her non stop since she arrived. I'll share some pictures of her labors soon - but I want to get a little more done first - can't stop to take photos or blog - must spin!!!!

Good thing I finished clue 1 of the mystery stole before she came!

Mystery Stole

I really like it so far:
July 003
Mystery Stole

Now,... you think I'll get to clue 2 any time soon?


  1. Anonymous2:18 PM


    She's beautiful!!!! What's her name??
    I can't wait to see your handspun!

    As for the MS3...if you are anything like me when I first got my wheel, you will prolly be a few clues behind the rest of us! LOL

    Have fun!!

  2. Beautiful new wheel! Congratulations and enjoy!

    The start of your mystery stole is beautiful!

  3. I love the color of your shawl! What yarn are you using?

  4. Hey baby, that's one fine wheel you got there!

  5. Oh my! She's lovely. Make sure Javaman takes plenty of pictures of mother and child. Do you know what tree she started as?

  6. Love the wheel - you must be a proud mama!

    I'm EXTREMELY jealous of your Mystery Stole progress.....I need to start mine - TONIGHT!!!!!!

  7. That's one gorgeous looking wheel!

  8. Sweet!!!! I'm jumping up and down for you!

  9. Either you or your e-mail are ignoring me again.

    Do you have my sewing machine manual? I think I left it at your house Thursday...

    And there was something else I was going to ask, but I completely forget now what it was... probably distracted by all the gratuitous wheels shots... ;P

  10. it's beautiful!!! have you thought of a name yet???

  11. Anonymous9:40 AM

    So pretty! So jealous!!

    Love the Mystery stole. It's great fun seeing all the different effects the different yarns give.
