Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Zoom Zoom!

No - not a Mazda commercial....

It's just Hurley running laps at the dog park!!

Hurley runs for the ball


Since it was such a gorgeous day yesterday (80 degrees!!) Hubbo and I packed the "kids" in the car and headed out to the local dog park. Surprisingly, is was relatively empty. We had the whole little dog side to ourselves! Hurley got his nervous energy out by chasing tennis balls for about half an hour - and then we headed over to the "big dog" side to meet some of the other doggies. Let me tell ya - the tongues were out today!

March 465
(I love this dog's spotted tongue! He must be part Chow Chow!)

Hi there


Not only were the tongues out today - but the flowers are finally popping out! I found these gorgeous crocuses in the woods near my house...
Purple Crocus

And our cherry tree is popping buds like crazy too. I recently got Photoshop Elements (a MUCH cheaper alternative to Photoshop Pro) and it lets me do such cool stuff. I love playing with the hues and saturations and shadows. Here's my cherry tree in quatro:

Cherry Quatro

Enjoy the spring weather!


  1. I love your flower shots! They are beautiful! What kind of camera do you have?

  2. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Great photos! We had a couple warm days up here in Michigan this week :)

  3. Gorgeous pictures! Isn't Photoshop fun?

  4. Love the flower shots especially the cherry blossom quarto! Excellent! YOu should make note cards out of them...just another project to all to the pile! :-)

    (And, besides the tongue, that doggie has a Chow-tail, too.)

  5. Cool pictures! The doggy ones made me laugh.

  6. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I love that last photo of Hurley that you posted. So cute!!!
