Friday, February 09, 2007

New Blogger

So I finally changed over to the "New and Improved" Blogger. I picked a new template and gave my blog a makeover!
What do you think?

Mac users - can you see everything? Is anything "wonky"? Please let me know!

Thanks for your help!


  1. Looks good! I'm a mac user, and everything looks fine.

  2. Everything looks peachy from here!

  3. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I'm reading on a mac, and it looks ok to me. I like the updated look.

  4. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Wow, I like it better. Much easier to read!

  5. Just a question. If I can't see it, how am I supposed to know? I mean, are we talking deeply spiritual intuition about what's here, do I need to pull out tarot cards or something? Because I'm on a Mac and I can in fact see your blog, but can I see EVERYTHING? That's really a deep question, ya know?
