Monday, January 22, 2007

To Dye for

I had the best weekend! I spent all day Saturday with a few great ladies learning to dye yarn and roving at Mama E's first fiber dying class.

Here are some of my skeins:

Thanks Sarah for sending me the photos! I was a bad blogger and forgot my camera - doh!

At first I had a somewhat difficult time deciding what colors to use. (I tend to stick to greens and blues.) So after a skein or two of green - I was like... what now? So I had to move my color choices somewhat outside of my comfort zone. I tried some reds, some browns and silvers and discoved I love those colors too. I am really proud of my work and I can't wait to knit up some socks and other stuff with my new hand painted yarn!

I had a blast getting to know the other gals too. We all worked really well together - sharing dye and offering suggestions. Sarah and I shared the microwave duties and soon we had it down to a science!

Thanks Erin and hubby for the awesome lunch and for a great day!!


  1. OMIGOD! You dyed so much!!! I love the olives. And Im glad to see you using acidy dyes and none of that natural hippy stuff! Over the weekend someone brought in yarn dyed in pickle juice. The whole place smelled like a deli.

  2. Very cool! You can teach your own class now.

  3. Anonymous3:51 PM

    It looks like you had just as much fun as I did!

    And you aren't that bad a blogger. I actually took my camera and then didn't take any pictures.

  4. those are beautiful. I love the pink/green one at the very back :)

  5. Your yarn looks fantastic! I haven't tried dying yet.....chicken, I guess. I just hope that when I do, it's as fabulous as yours!

  6. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Ack! I'm so jealous! I love the blues and greens, too. Especially that one towards the front that's kind of jewel tones. They're beautiful!

  7. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I think all the skeins look great. Nice colors. Should be fun to knit.

  8. Woah! those are beautiful!! Such rich colours! Bravo!

  9. Anonymous2:48 PM

    It looks like you had a fab day, I'm very jealous.
    I had such a lovely few minutes looking at all the photos, I've pointed my bloggers in your direction to look as well. I hope thats alright.
    al x

  10. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Yummy colors! I'm a blues and greens person usually too. Oh, BTW, I came here by a link on Good Kharma Bunny's blog.
