Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!!

I'm old!

I am now officially IN my 30s.... Last year I was just 30 - now I'm 31... I'm IN my 30's... yikes!!

I had a great birthday though! My parents are in town and I got to give them all the hand knits I made for them. (My mom got a purse, and a lace scarf and my dad got a hat and sock.)

I took my doggies to the dog park - went out for dinner at one of my favorite restaurants - La Palapa - and got all kinds of yarn and knitting goodies from my hubby! He went into a yarn shop people! This is unheard of!! He got me some gorgeous yarn, a circular needle holder from Lantern Moon and some other knitting odds and ends. Yeah!! I guess you can train a man after all!

Happy Birthday to me!


  1. Hey old lady- happy birthday!

  2. Happy Happy Birthday!!

  3. Happy Birthday!! I'm glad you got some nice goodies. I'm jealous of the circular case. I was just thinking about how I need one of those......hmmm...must be sign to go ahead and purchase one.

  4. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Happy Birthday!! Yay for knitting-related presents! :)

  5. Yay!! happy birthday Jody!

  6. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Happy Birthday! Hooray for December birthday girls! I love LaPalapa- I hope you had a birthday margarita!

  7. Happy Birthday! Wait until you hit your 40's .... you'll love it!

  8. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Happy Birthday . . . once 30 rolled it seemed to continue to roll. I'm looking at 33 this year and I'm feeling it. Plus as all my friends state . . . you knit? How old are you!?! I'm hoping when I'm 60+ it will be like 20 again :)

  9. Happy birthday!

  10. Happy Birthday (a bit belated....but hey, the thought was there!)
