Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A fair is a veritable smorgasboard, orgasboard.....

I spent a wonderful evening at the New Mexico state fair! And like my title suggests - a fair is full of wonderful food and this fair was definitely rich in tasty treats! I ate my way through the many stalls - and loved every minute of it!

The green chili stew with Indian Fry bread was definitely my favorite! It was SPICY!! So good!

I also got a "Pueblo Pie" - cherry - that was also delicious...

And what fair is complete without a fried twinkie :)

There was also a million things to see and do. I caught a tiger show - with some gorgesous white and orange tigers. They look just like big kitties and i wanted to hug them!

I was walking around too long before making my way over the animal stands. By the time I got over there - the only thing left open was one small area with some chickens and these cute little piggies....

There was also many art and craft displays - and of course I had to go look at the knitting that won. Here's a shot of a sweater that won first place...

There was an Indian village set up there also - there was traditional Native American dancing and food (that's where I got the green chili stew) and crafts and lots of turquoise jewelry.

I really enjoyed the dancing and music. The customs were amazing....

Overall - it was a great night! I did end up with blisters on my feet though! I wore the only shoes I had with me and unfortunately they weren't the most sensible shoes around - but it was worth it.


  1. Fry bread and little piggies! Yay!

  2. I ADORE the state fair here! Every year I drag Cody around to all the buildings and villages. And we have to get our traditional Navajo taco and fried twinkie. Then we take a turkey leg home for later. Mmmm can't wait till Monday when we're going!

  3. Great, now I'm hungry!! Looks like you're making the best of your travel for work. I'm glad it's been good!

  4. So you have watched Charlotte's Web also! :-) That's some pig(s)! :-) I enjoy your blog....

  5. A fried Twinkie, eh? It looks good. My favorites at the fair are fried dough and roasted corn. I could eat them all day. Good thing the fair only comes once a year and is an hour away. LOL

    Glad to see you're enjoying your time away!
