Friday, July 07, 2006

Socks a plenty

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I went to sit and knit last night and started a new sock. I'm using a gorgeous shade of Koigu and making the Tropicana pattern from

I wasn't alone in my socky pursuits - it seemed like everyone was making socks last night!

Here's a sampling of our goods...

It was a good showing - we had some new knitters and a cuty pie little knitter making her first knitted object.

There was spinning a plenty too - with Sara and Margaret breaking out the spindles.
Here's Sara

And here's part of Margaret :)

It was a great evening - live music was playing from the Lakefront and we enjoyed each other's company.

I was almost talked into going to the midnight showing of Pirates of the Carribean - but alas - I didn't go - I needed my beauty sleep! And now I have something to take my cousin Kelly to this weekend - another movie! That'll be 2 in a week. i think that's a record for me - since I havne't been to a theater to see a movie since the last Harry Potter! I wonder if I could knit in there... hmmm....

If I do decide to ever knit at the movies - I may just have to invest in a pair of these awesome needles that have lights on the tips!!

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Here's a few links to various places to purchase these little gems...



LA Knitter Parisienne

I think I may need these. Now to decide what color!!

1 comment:

  1. I remember when they (La Knitterie) was thinking about desigining these.

    I'm going to start Tropicana next too. Thanks for finding it for me.
