Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Purple Passion

I just got the coolest Project Spectrum card from Christine! Check this out...

It's a mini canvas painted with purple and with purple goodness stuck on too! This was my postcard swap for July - the month of purple. It is going on display in my office/craft room. I really wish I had found project spectrum earlier - I would definitley have loved to take part in this exchange longer - but alas! It only lasts one more month! That is unless we can convince Lolly to maybe extend this? Pretty Please??

I do enjoy meeting new people and this and other swaps I've done are a great way to get to know other knitters and bloggers. It's such an amazing network of people really. I don't even remember what I used to read online .... now that I've found the world of knitting blogs - that seems to be all I read!

I went to visit the new location of a local yarn store - the Celtic Knot. They used to be in a small shop in old town Ellicott City - a small shop that was in need of air conditioning repair! They are now in a huge bright and airy (and cool!) shop in Normandy Center. There's ample parking and nice bright windows through which to view the yarn. I saw some gorgeous Opal sock yarn there that I may have to pickup soon!

While I was there - I treated myself to a new Addi turbo circular needle. I will be started a lace project soon and I didn't want to risk losing a needle tip on my interchangables. I think I am going to like this needle!

I am almost done with the body of my Noni bag - I'll be starting the descreases and the bottom tonight! I can't wait to start the flowers and ruffle too - it's such a girlie bag - but there's just this great quality to all the Noni stuff - very original.

Here's a pic of my progress so far...

Tonight is knitting night for my sit and knit - if you're in the Columbia area - stop by! We meet at the LakeSide cafe in Columbia - across from the mall.
LakeSide Cafe

1 comment:

  1. Your noni bag is coming out great. Can't wait to see it finished
