Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Log Cabin progress

Well I have 4 squares done - yippee! It's taking a little longer than I thought it would to pump these babies out - but they are coming along. I'm still amazed at how much yarn each one eats! One skein barely stretches to two segments of a square! I hope I hope don't run out of yarn - because I'm using sale yarn (Debbie Bliss Merino Chunky) and it's discontined!

Anyway - here's a pic

I also just got some news that my old roommate is expecting a baby girl! I finally get to knit something frilly and girlie for a change. It seems like everyone I know if having babies right now. I feel like the only one not pregnant! Anyway - I plan on making her a baby kimono from Mason Dixon to start. I am taking a break from my log cabining and will be knitting for the baby for a while. She needs a kimono or two, a few bibs, some booties and of course a blanket! WHo knows what else.

And now what you have all been waiting for - my first entry in Project Spectrum! July is for purple! It's amazing how little purple I actually have in my house. So little - I actually went around the house in search of some. Any kind of purple! I found the following:


  1. That throw is going to be lovely....

    ... on my couch -- cause after all you are making it just for *ME* right :)

    Seriously, beautiful work there -- enjoy.

  2. your Log Cabin looks very nice!! even if you run out of yarn, you can always substitute, there are enough colors to blend. I love multi color projects. I am thinking of making a Log Cabin with different yarns.

  3. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Oooh! I am loving the colours on your log cabin...sorry I haven't commented before :)

    SP (one skein)
