Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Too many UFOs!!

There is definitely something in the air. Pollen? No - Something else that makes me want to cast on new projects. I have way too many things still on the needles for this urge to come on every day - but alas it does and I end up casting on something new.

This weekend the hubby was away playing with cars - and I was reading the Yarn Harlot's latest - Knitting Rules - and after reading the chapter on socks - I just had to cast one on.

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I am quite happy with these so far. I finished the cuff, leg and heel on Saturday and most of the rest of the foot on Sunday. I started the toe last night and hope to be done with the first one this evening. Unfortunately – hubby saw what I was up to and claimed them as his – so I had to make them a little longer for his big size 12 feet. (I owe him socks!!) So – I may still wear them – there’s nothing wrong with big socks!

My “car knitting” is coming along fine so far – not too much progress – but hey – I only work on it at red lights!

I cast on the next strip this morning – so I will try to update the photo with the new colors soon.

Here it is as of yesterday:

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My knitting group is taking part in a charity to make sweaters for kids in less fortunate areas. I got the pattern and the yarn over the weekend – so of course I had to cast on…..

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This photo looks a little pink to me…. This closeup is truer to the colors…

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I got the yarn from Margaret’s extensive donated stash. She has donated yarn and fabric in every corner of her guest room! I chose a huge Pound ‘o Love in tan

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and some red for some accent stripes.

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I hope it comes out ok – if I get this finished – it will actually be my first sweater! I started one for myself over the winter – but it’s still not done…. I actually haven’t worked on it in quite a while! Ooops!!

Anyway – Margaret has a dog – a big shedding dog – so of course the moment I stepped back inside my house – my two pups were all over me – sniffing and clawing to get inside my bag where the dog hair covered yarn was.

Here’s a pic of Bailey checking it out.

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The two yarns together are almost as big as Hurley!!

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Oh – I almost forgot! I was at the Columbia Festival of the Arts this weekend too. We set up a little knitting area in front of our usual cafĂ© and attracted many onlookers with our knitterly ways. It was a great day – I had sausage and peppers and bought a cool fused class necklace and make from great progress on my socks!

That’s all for now!


  1. If you ever do baby sweaters for charity, there is a great mystery sweater by Meg Swanson that is all garter stitch and while you knit it you have no idea how it can be a sweater but at the end it's folded up and voila a sweater. They have an adult version of it, but something about wearing the same clothes are individuals that poop their pants, just doesnt seem appealing.

  2. Hurley is too cute!
