Friday, June 02, 2006

My June horoscope

The official Aunt Purl Horoscopes are out! Get yours here....

Mine is:
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Peacemaker isn’t your favorite roll, I know you too well. It’s always easier to sit on the sidelines and watch others beat each other over the head with their proverbial big sticks. (What is it with the mean and ugly stick this month?) But right now your job, unwelcome as it may be, is to step in and be the lone voice of reason. You’re the only one firmly planted in reality right now, and by the way, this job does not pay well! Take it from a middle child! But Head Honcho Of Dispute Resolution has great benefits and growth potential. Plus, Cappies like to feel that everything has been settled and changed and happily re-charted with their expert eye, you know it's true. Luckily, you do have an expert eye when it comes to deciphering people and your heart is in the right place, so I predict that by the new moon at month's end you'll have managed to completely smooth over whatever prickly, uncomfortable issue it is that's got you in knots. Also, according to this thing called a "chart" which I am supposed to carefully read before making this wide-flung predictions, the first few weeks of June will be excellent for hanky panky, if hanky panky is present. Just so you know.

Thanks to Crazy Aunt Purl - I now have June to look forward to. I always love her monthly horoscopes - but this one was particularly interesting. I haven’t exactly had the most “peaceful” month of May around my neighborhood. You may remember my post about my nasty neighbor complaining about dog poop. Well – I had it out with her a few days ago. She was the one complaining that my dog went into her yard and pooped – well… Let me just mention the fact that she felt she was excused from the decision we reached at the home owners meeting to leash all dogs. After about the 10th time of seeing her dog outside with no leash – I went out and confronted her. I said, “ So – I guess we’re not doing the leash thing anything…”

She had the nerve to say, “ well I don’t think Sage (the pooping off leash dog) needs to be on a leash. He’s a different caliber dog than yours are.”

Well – I don’t go into the nasty details of what happened next – but let’s just say – I let her have it. I was shaking with anger by the time I got back inside after calling her a hypocrite and everything else I could think of.

SO that brings me back to the horoscope for June. Apparently I will be a peacemaker. I can’t wait to see if that happens – because god knows I won’t apologize with getting one first!

It’s also good to know – I’m the only one “firmly planted in reality right now”, to quote Aunt Purl. I knew I like her.

She also goes on to say:
“I predict that by the new moon at month's end you'll have managed to completely smooth over whatever prickly, uncomfortable issue it is that's got you in knots.”

I sure hope she’s right!

And if all else fails – she does mention some good hanky panky :)

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