Friday, May 05, 2006

Tomorrow is Sheep and Wool!

I can't wait!! I am getting up even earlier tomorrow morning that I usually do for work! Now that's dedication!

It's only about 30 minutes from my place - but I hope to get there nice and early and scope out all the good deals. I'm meeting up with my friend HollyAnne from my knitting group. She knows all the good places to go - and I plan on following her around like a puppy - slobbering on all the yarn deals!

I'm so excited I even sent a email/comment to the actual Yarn Harlot to see if she is going to be there. I don't expect an actual resonse - but you never know.

I have been told that there is so much spinning/raw wool material there that I will have to be very very self controlled in order not to succomb to buying any spinning equipment. I don't think I want to buy any spinning equipment.... But.... you never know. I will have to chant my mantra - "Just keep knitting, just keep knitting" and go on my merry way buying lots and lots of wool and yarn - that is already spun and dyed!

The countdown begins!

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